Do you know your money story? If not, you should.
Your money story and money history likely determine your money mindset. Your money mindset shapes your money behaviors and impacts your financial stability and financial success.
Simply put, your money mindset is how you think about money.
However, because we experience everything emotionally first and logically second, your money mindset is actually determined by how you think and feel about money. In my experience, the two go inextricably hand–in–hand.
Your money beliefs and behaviors were likely shaped by your family history regarding money. As a result, more often than not, your relationship with money lives in the realm of your emotions.
Realistically though, money itself has no emotion. It is simply a medium of exchange. Money itself is a fact, not a feeling.
It is said that financial stability and success is 80% behavior and 20% knowledge. I agree.
When you fix your money facts, your feelings about money will improve and your behaviors will naturally follow.
I have personally known many people who created significant financial assets, though they were neither high-income earners nor financial experts. The one thing they all had in common was financial health and wellness. They had healthy money mindsets and healthy money behaviors.
Your money mindset is not just about how you spend or save money. It includes how you negotiate money transactions such as fee agreements and employment contracts.
If you want to uncover your beliefs and relationship with money, here is a simple exercise you can do.
- Finish the following sentence. (Resist the urge to self-edit and write down the first thing that comes to mind.) Money is _________________________________.
Now take a look at your response. Is what you wrote positive or negative? Does it represent your financial aspirations, fears or reality? Would you say your belief is helping you become financially healthy and stable or limiting your financial progress?
One of the very first places I begin working with a client on their coaching journey is to review how much they are charging or earning.
Almost always, the first thing I do is have them increase their fee or request a raise. Why? Because I have found that many women equate money negotiations with being nice, “fair,” or an attempt to avoid judgment, believing others will view them negatively if their ask is “too high.” Have you ever felt that way? Reach out and let me know if you have.
Not charging enough or earning enough causes money stress. Money stress creates a tremendous amount of stress in others areas of life which causes unhappiness, overwhelm and a lack of confidence. Your money mindset is foundational to the other ways you will create success in your life.
Here are some signs you may have a money mindset that is not serving you and is limiting your progress.
• Talking about money matters increases your heart rate.
• You often feel stuck when making financial decisions.
• You compulsively spend money because you believe it will make you feel better.
• You avoid opening bills because you don’t want to think about them
Mastering Your Money Mindset is crucial if you want to improve your financial wellness. But how can you build a healthy money mindset? I will discuss that in an upcoming article, so be on the lookout for it.
P.S. – We are doing a deep dive into the topic of Your Money Mindset this month in the Women Lawyers Global Network. Guest presenters and experts will facilitate the following topics “Overcoming fear of the Money Conversation;” “The High Cost of Not Protecting Your Assets;” and “The Most Important Thing You Need to Know NOW About Managing Your Money.” Join now to gain access to these powerful presentations.
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